We are excited and delighted to inform you that following the EA decision, several certification bodies are completing their accreditation procedure for Europrivacy under Art. 43 GDPR. Our official partners are already engaged by clients to start delivering the first wave of official European Data Protection Seals.
Europrivacy criteria have been officially approved by the European Data Protection Board serve as official European Data Protection Seal under the GDPR. It is the only official GDPR certification scheme whose criteria are officially recognised by all EU and EEA jurisdictions.
Europrivacy enables data controllers and data processors to:
✔️ Check and document GDPR compliance;
✔️ Reduce legal, financial, and reputational risks;
✔️ Certify, value, and enjoy compliance.
While it is easy to claim and assume GDPR compliance, certification ensures that personal data are effectively processed in compliance with the GDPR, thanks to regular controls performed by independent and qualified auditors. Certification constitutes a unique instrument to ensure that data subjects’ rights are effectively respected and implemented.
Delivered European Data Protection Seals will be formally recognised in all EU and EEA Member States (30 countries) and will be taken into account by data protection supervisory authorities in case of litigation. It will increase trust in the certified data processing.
Last but not least, Europrivacy certification is transforming compliance costs into a intangible asset and source of value creation:
▶ to build trust with your clients and B2B partners;
▶ to serve as a competitive advantage for your sales and marketing teams;
▶ to communicate with shareholders and financial analysts.
Certification will better value the work of DPOs and should help them receive more resources to invest in compliance.
Europrivacy will also enable data controllers to select certified services of data processors to reduce their surface of risks at no cost.
Our ambition is to bring research and innovation to the service of data protection by making compliance more efficient, valuable, and enjoyable. More to come.