The Europrivacy Community and Resources website gathers all relevant information and documents to reduce your risks and to document, check, certify, and value your compliance with data protection regulations. To access these documents and resources, you must have subscribed to the community.

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What value does Europrivacy bring for data controllers and processors?

As specified in Art. 42 GDPR, certification mechanisms are established for the “purpose of demonstrating compliance with this regulation [the GDPR] of processing operations”. Beyond this general purpose, Europrivacy brings several benefits to the data controllers and processors and enables them to:

  • apply a very systematic, comprehensive, and efficient methodology for assessing GDPR compliance of their data processing;
  • systematically document the compliance of their data processing;
  • identify, address, and mitigate non-compliance risks identified when applying Europrivacy criteria;

It enables the data processor or controller to inform its data subjects and other data controllers, join-controllers and processors that the certified data processing:

  • has been independently controlled and certified by a qualified certification body;
  • complies with the Europrivacy criteria and GDPR obligations;
  • benefits from appropriate technical and organisational measures;
  • effectively respects the rights and freedoms of the data subjects;
  • is subject to regular audits and inspections lead by independent auditors.

Data controllers subject to the GDPR must demonstrate their compliance and are exposed to serious legal and financial risks. Europrivacy provides a hybrid certification scheme with a comprehensive set of criteria to identify and address residual non-compliance with the regulation in a comprehensive and efficient manner. It enables data controllers to select certified data processing services from data processors in conformity with Art. 28 (5) GDPR.

The Europrivacy Community website provides a whole set of online resources and tools (including forums and hotline) to support the GDPR compliance. It enables the DPOs of the data controllers and processors to access over 700 reference documents, including those on national obligations. The Europrivacy Academy provides online courses on Europrivacy certification scheme and criteria.

The Europrivacy ecosystem of partners gathers complementary service providers who deliver comprehensive offers (including capacity building, consulting, software solutions, and certification services) to data controllers who wish to certify their data processing. Furthermore, Europrivacy has established very strict rules for impartiality in line with EDPB and ISO principles.

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