The Europrivacy Community and Resources website gathers all relevant information and documents to reduce your risks and to document, check, certify, and value your compliance with data protection regulations. To access these documents and resources, you must have subscribed to the community.

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Can applicants from outside the EU and EEA receive a Europrivacy certificate? 

Europrivacy can be used in any place to assess compliance with the GDPR. However, for the time being, European Data Protection Seal can be delivered only to applicants based in the EU and European Economic Area (EEA).

We expect Europrivacy to be authorised by EDPB for delivering GDPR certification outside of Europe in 2025, including as a mechanism for international data transfers under Art. 46 GDPR. Once approved by EDPB, Europrivacy certificates may be delivered to applicants based in third countries, given that such countries provide a safe environment for personal data protection and safeguard the rights and freedoms of European data subjects, ensuring that data processing is subject to adequate technical and organisational requirements as set forth in the GDPR and EDPB’s guidelines and recommendations.

Meanwhile, Applicants located outside of Europe can use Interprivacy, the international version of Europrivacy, to document and certify their compliance. Interprivacy and Europrivacy use almost identical criteria, without the constraints of a formal GDPR certification.

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