Meet Giovanni Francescutti, Head of Global Sales Enablement at DNV, explaining why they decided to apply to become an accredited Certification Body to deliver Europrivacy certifications in compliance with the GDPR.

DNV has completed the accreditation procedure under Art. 43 GDPR and delivered their first Europrivacy certificate to AINDO.

The Europrivacy criteria have been approved by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) to serve as official European Data Protection Seal under Art. 42 (5) GDPR. The Europrivacy certification ensures that personal data are effectively processed in compliance with the GDPR, thanks to regular controls performed by independent and qualified auditors and supported by an ecosystem of excellence.

We congratulate DNV for completing their accreditation procedure and joining the ranks of certification bodies to officially deliver Europrivacy certificates.

Building trust and confidence.

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